The Oracles includes two sound recording made out of advice, help and guidance for human-kind from alpacas and Clydesdale draught horses. Mari Keski-Korsu had prepared questions for the alpacas and horses and they where then channeled via animal communicator Maiccu Kostiainen. The biggest alpaca herd in Finland was asked what they think of the crisis of human kind (climate change, extinction of species, over population, extensive use of natural resources, pollution etc.) The Clydesdale horses herd in Strathorn Farm Stables in Scotland were asked what they think about how energy is created and consumed by people and how should we divide our time and energy on this planet.

One could listen to the messages inside the installation, surrounded by two sculptures representing the ‘contemporary animalism’. The scent-scape was created with wood tar and linseed oil – essences that protect and bind together.

The Oracles -installation was exhibited in Bothnia Biennale, Seinäjoki Art Hall 2.9. – 9.10.2016. The theme of the Bothnia Biennale was Symbiosis: the interaction in between all living and co-living.

The installation was funded by Samuel Huber Foundation. Thank you to Scottich Sculpture Workshop, Kunsthalle Seinäjoki staff and the more-than-human companions.


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