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Watch, documentation of silent public intervention, video installation with bird house security cameras, dur 59 min., loop, 2007
Changing of the guard in every 15 min.

Watch is an action of staring a security camera (CCTV) in public place. It discusses themes of security, privacy, gaze and fear. Watch -intervention took place in Berlin, Germany 26.6.2007 in the corner of Wilhelmstrasse and Niederkirchnerstrasse. The security camera of Bundesministerium der Finanzen (Finance Ministry) captured the starers. I tried to get the security cam footage from the ministry as it is my legal right, but they refused to give it to me.

Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Deltlev-Rohwedder-Haus as it is called, is the only major surviving public building from the Nazi era in the central Berlin. It used to house Reich Air Ministry of Nazis. Close to the building, there were the central institutions responsible for the repressive and criminal policies of National Socialism as well as the era of DDR. There is no other site where control of people, terror and murder were planned and organised on the same scale. In the beginning of 1990’, it was a headquarters of Treuhand which was responsible of selling the state owned property of the DDR. The building is named after Detlev Karsten Rohwedder, the assassinated head of the Treuhand.


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