Mega Observation Platform is a public artwork and a place to observe, sense, understand and belong to the landscape and the ecosystem present. In this landscape, we can experience urbanity, agriculture, food and energy production, commerce, transport, and something we call nature – while standing on the grown-over waste of this former landfill.
Everything we see from here is affected by human. What does that mean and what does it make “us”?

Mega is the name of a location in a field just outside Eiche. The location was originally mistakenly marked with the word ‘MEGA’ on one of Germany’s best selling maps. Mega Observation Platform stands adjacent to this location and offers a good view of it.

Mega Observation Platform is a project by the artist Mari Keski-Korsu and was made in collaboration with the village of Eiche (special thanks to mayor Gunther Meusel). It is part of the art project Was ist draußen?, run by the neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, special thanks to producer/curator Andromachi Marinou-Strohm.

The exhibition MEGA – What is outside is in Station Urbaner Kulturen 15.-28.11.2015.

More images can be found at Flickr album.


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